Career & Business

In exploring pay, work/life balance and female entrepreneur journeys, we spark conversations about women’s financial independence and how readers can make informed decisions about their finances.

Belkis Willie is an Associate Director currently working in the Crisis, Conflict and Arms Division at Human Rights Watch.
Do you know that feeling when you accidentally feed food waste to fungi, and two weeks later realise you’ve stumbled upon an innovation that could fundamentally change how sustainable packaging is made? Oh… no?
Annie Liao is redefining what it means to lead in the world of AI and startups. At just 23, she’s already raised $1.8M to scale Build Club, a global AI-building community turned e-learning platform.
"In my racial justice work, I speak to women of colour in politics across the political spectrum. Every party on this continent has a serious problem with race and racism in its ranks," writes Neha Madhok.
Inside the processes of an award-winning Stockholm-based designer whose studio is heralded as Scandinavia's cream of the crop.
Undergraduate students with a combined family income below US$200,000 will be able to attend MIT tuition-free from September 2025, thanks to newly expanded financial aid. Eighty percent of U.S. households meet this income threshold.
Born out of an initial insight that many Nigerians were still using offline, wooden boxes known as “Kolos” to save money, Piggyvest co-founder Odunayo Eweniyi saw an opportunity to digitise the financial habits of her country folk and take their approach to saving to the next level.
As part of a rising cohort of beauty entrepreneurs, there's so much to take away from the founder of Bubble.

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