Current Affairs

Whether it’s new legislation or the accomplishments of female world leaders, we investigate the light and the dark in hard news. We break down what policy changes mean for our readers, while exploring how the world can be a better place.

"When Barack Obama was elected as the first African American president, of course my family took a road trip... However, these election results shattered my dreams, leaving me with the idea of an Inauguration Weekend getaway," writes Imani Brooks.
In the unlikely chance Anjali Sharma isn't on your radar already, that needs to change. Safe to say, we're huge fans of Anjali here at Missing Perspectives.
In a new piece for Missing Perspectives, Syrian journalist Sonya Alai speaks with young women across the country.
Arely Carrion is the Executive Manager of Community at Mounties Group, victim-survivor advocate, board member of a range organisations that support women experiencing domestic, family or sexualised violence (DFSV), and mum of two adult twins.
Over the last year, refugee advocate and proud Indigenous Rohingya woman Noor Azizah has become well known in policy circles for her fierce advocacy for Rohingya refugees - and calling on the government to adopt more humane policies towards refugees and asylum seekers in Australia.
In a moving new piece for Missing Perspectives, journalist Sonya Alali speaks with Syrian women grappling with mental health issues.

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