Image: safe2choose

What it truly means to be an abortion counselor: the voices behind safe2choose

It’s difficult to pin a singular face or voice to the pro-choice movement. When we begin to question ourselves on why that is, we realize that it’s because this is a global movement, created thanks to the efforts of people who have advocated for the right to choose throughout many years.

However, it’s important we remind ourselves that behind a collective effort is an individual effort, with people who dedicate their time and knowledge to advancing the right to safe abortions. In this movement, abortion providers are an essential piece of the puzzle, guiding abortion seekers through their journey. But, how does one become an abortion provider? In this blog we’re going to chat with abortion counselors to learn their story and what it means to be pro-choice.

safe2choose abortion counselors

safe2choose has an incredible team of women who provide free, online abortion counseling. One thing that they prioritize is a positive abortion journey for abortion seekers, regardless of their age, race, location, and socioeconomic position. This shift in how we perceive abortions is necessary to improve the experience of abortion seekers and to create a new narrative surrounding abortions stories

Providing a safe abortion experience has to be centered through a holistic approach, prioritizing the mental health, preferences and situation of the abortion seekers. Abortion counselors provide support in a compassionate way that truly makes abortion seekers feel seen and heard, because at the end of the day, they are who matters most.

Empathy is another key aspect that needs to be taken into consideration when providing a safe abortion experience and Lucy, a safe2choose abortion counselor from Mexico, shares how a lack of empathy led to her becoming an abortion counselor: “Seeing two of my closest friends going through the process without information or empathy, feeling like they could never tell anyone due to stigma. And that led to a really scary procedure for everyone involved. I wanted to avoid that for other women and be able to be someone they could rely on for information and accompaniment”.

Often, women face dehumanizing medical experiences and abortion is no exception. The stigma that surrounds abortion has a negative impact, resulting in awful experiences that make women feel like they need to be ashamed and have to hide their abortion experience. Not only does stigma affect those who have had abortions, it also targets abortion providers, and others who are supporters of an abortion seeker.

Hellena from East Africa faced a similar experience that led her to becoming an abortion counselor. “I chose to become an abortion counselor because I believe in the power of empathy and support during life's most challenging moments. I was inspired by one particular event in my home area of a young mother of two, struggling to make ends meet, who found herself facing an unplanned pregnancy and with no one to turn to. As I supported her through her decision to have a safe abortion and contraception by linking her to the right provider, I saw firsthand the impact of compassionate care on her journey.”

Women like Hellena and Lucy are motivated by their drive to change the negative abortion experience that many women face due to stigma, misogyny, and misinformation. Zoe is another abortion counselor based in Africa, but her own experience is what inspired her to become an abortion counselor. “I grew up in a society where issues of sexual and reproductive health and rights were considered taboo and never openly discussed. I survived an unsafe abortion method, and this experience deeply affected me. I developed a strong desire to empower individuals to make informed decisions about their reproductive health. Providing accurate information and support helps people make choices that are best for their circumstances, and this motivates me every day in my work as an abortion counselor”.

Although around 73 million induced abortions take place worldwide each year, it’s still a taboo topic that usually ends in polarizing discussions, instead of being centered around the health of women and pregnant people. Everyone deserves access to information and resources on safe abortions, only then can we avoid unfortunate situations where people may have to go through an unsafe abortion.

Women are resilient and inspiring

Women who have abortions are courageous, however their stories are often silenced as a way to push negative narratives on abortions. This is why storytelling is an important tool that can be used to truly understand how abortions are a matter of reproductive justice. This framework helps us visualize the cultural, legislative and systemic oppression that has affected women’s bodily autonomy. 

When someone decides to become an abortion counselor, they become a part of a story that shapes a woman’s life and their own world view. “Witnessing her courage and resilience in the face of adversity, I knew I wanted to be a steady presence for others like her. As an abortion counselor, I strive to create a safe, non-judgmental space where individuals can explore their options, express their emotions, and make informed decisions about their reproductive health. It's a privilege to walk alongside people, offering guidance and compassion as they navigate complex choices” shares Hellena. 

Anna is another abortion counselor and is based in Argentina. She has witnessed many abortion journeys and has seen firsthand how women across the world have stood their ground in the face of adversity and chosen the right paths for themselves. “Don't be afraid to ask us for help or an answer for any question you might have. Don't be ashamed of anything you're going through or any situation you're living in. We don't judge anything, we hear everyday different stories, experiences, cases and situations, from people all over the world. There's always similar stories and someone going through the same experience as you.” 

These stories of resilience in the face of patriarchal oppression need to be amplified. As a society, we need to hear more abortion stories to normalize them. We need to stop being afraid of saying the word abortion and to start advocating for better healthcare services so that women and pregnant people can make informed choices.

The importance of advocating for safe abortions

Someone’s abortion experience can vary dramatically, sometimes ending in the harm of the abortion seeker and this shouldn’t be the case. Abortions are healthcare and we need to start advocating for safe and accessible abortion care. “Safe abortions, save lives” and this is a phrase that inspires abortion advocates globally.

For Anna, “Becoming an abortion counselor at safe2choose was actually a sign to change and experience another perspective of pregnancy care. I always felt deeply moved by reproductive rights, especially towards obstetric violence advocacy. I experienced and understood in my working scenario how women could feel helpless in contexts where abortion is not legal, and suffer many institutional violence in this journey. After many years advocating for birth rights, heading myself to abortion rights just felt like it was meant to be”.

Sexual and reproductive rights should be fundamental human rights that everyone can easily access. Abortion advocacy isn’t limited to those who are already working in this space, everyone should advocate for safe abortions because you never know who could be in need of this service. Sometimes, someone we love has already had an abortion but never felt safe enough to share their experience. By advocating, we can break down the stigma that surrounds abortion and ensure that no one has to go through an unsafe abortion.

Hellena, Lucy, Zoe and Anna shared what inspired them to become safe2choose abortion counselors and how this has impacted their lives. As Zoe shares, “The best part of my job is reading positive feedback from people who have had successful abortions from the counseling they received. Knowing that the support and information provided by our counselors helped someone make an informed decision and navigate their situation safely brings me immense happiness. It’s incredibly rewarding to know that our work makes a real difference and brings smiles to those we help”.

At the end of the day, you matter the most. What you desire for yourself is important and your ability to have a safe abortion if you choose so should not be taken from you. Abortion counselors know this and have made it their mission to walk by your side during this journey. Maybe the stories shared have inspired you to become an abortion counselor, and in a world full of uncertainty for women’s rights, it’s nice to know that there are people who are working hard to advocate for women and their right to choose.

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